Friday, November 12, 2010

"Harp Attack" in Jerusalem - Harpists on the front cover of the Jerusalem Post

The students of the School of the Prophetic Harp played for an enthusiastic crowd on the streets of Jerusalem on Ben Yehuda Street. Over 1000 shekels were raised for an Israeli harpist who is a street musician and had been in a accident leaving her unable to support herself. Amazingly, the students were featured on the front cover the Jerusalem Post! Please continue to pray as many opportunities for the students to play are opening up. Here is a YouTube video clip of the event!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, everyone!
    "on the mountain of the LORD it shall be provided." (Gen.22:14) This keeps coming to mind for you, also the scripture of Jacob's ladder. I think the LORD is saying that you are in a time and place where there is an open window, a portal to heaven. So go ahead and make your requests known to Him.
    Praying for you all, loving the updates, and wishing I could be there. Another time!
    Blessings, Sharon from Muskoka, Ontario
